Transport Services

Getting out and about

We are able to offer a range of transport services to eligible residents of the South Burnett. Transport assistance is provided so that clients may get out of their house to do chores, for example, shopping, banking, visits to the library, local doctors, visit family and friends, and attend other activities or community centres.

Travel out of South Burnett

Our Community Transport Service provides non acute, non-emergency medical type transport for people who have a short term non acute medical condition or a frailty that prevents them from using conventional private or public transport and who are transport disadvantaged and meet the eligibility criteria of the service. This is not a funded service and cost recovery for each trip is an important factor.

Taxi Vouchers

The Graham House Community Transport Services Taxi Vouchers are funded by the State and Federal Government under the Commonwealth Home and Community Care Program. The value of each Taxi Voucher is $5 and the number of vouchers you may use will be agreed to at the time of assessment. To be eligible for consideration for access to taxi vouchers the participants must meet the following eligibility:

  • Frail Aged; or
  • Young Person with a disability
  • Carer of either
  • Have a permanent moderate to severe disability.

Kingaroy Shopping Buses

We understand the struggles of living rurally in towns with limited shopping options and the constraints of travelling to the nearest centre for essentials, therefore we have initiated the Kingaroy Shopping Buses weekly or fortnightly from just $10-15 pp return (door to door service).

Wondai – every Monday – $10pp

Goomeri – every second Tuesday – $15pp

Nanango – every second Wednesday – $10pp

Murgon – every second Friday – $15pp

*You must be a registered client to use this service, bookings are essential.